User experience design (UX) is a popular keyword right now, but what does it actually mean? User experience is how a person feels when interacting with a brand’s website on desktop or mobile and any form of software interaction.
User experience is essential to your brand because it aims to fulfil your user’s needs. The goal is to provide positive experiences that keep your online users loyal and happy through the various touch-points the visit with your brand.
By getting close to your potential users, knowing what they use your product or brand for, what they do and getting into their mindset you can predict and assume some of their decisions. Brands can learn a lot from their customers so it is vital to pay attention to their needs and questions.
It is considerably harder to acquire a new customer as it can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. Simply listening to your users and increasing customer retention by 5% can increase your company profits by 25–95%.
Simple steps to improve user experience:
The first step in the process is getting to know your audience and users. To begin you need to create a user persona, which is a representation of a particular audience for the product you are selling. This enables you to develop experiences that relate to the voice and emotions of your users in your User Personas. By creating an example of the type of person that might be using your product then you can cater to them and their needs better.
Visuals are just as essential as structure. Wireframes are visual guides that represent the skeletal framework of a page and give a preview of your product’s look and feel. With wireframes, you can work through usability and avoid any touch-point issues during development.
Usability testing is a way of testing how easy it is to use a product or site. By testing it with real users you can identify friction they might face when interacting with it and ensure the user journey is seamless.
In order to know if your methods are successful, you must record data. Use tools like Google Analytics to analyse the overall experience and how users are behaving on your website. Data can help you see a pattern in your customers’ habits.
Essential you must understand your customers through research and predictions. User personas and journey maps can provide you with an overview of how your customers will interact with your brand and where you can improve. User experience is ultimately different for everyone. Yet the foundations remain similar. To create a smooth and fun experience that provides a spark, a positive affirmation between your brand and your users.
Maybe it’s time you check your website’s UX and look at the all-new Google Analytics experience page to consider how upgrading your UX can impact your website’s SEO and overall page rankings…
Essentially, the Shopify platform provides better control over design aesthetics and offers great opportunities for international expansion with the introduction of Shopify Markets. In a nutshell, Shopify is a customisable, secure and supported solution to scale your brand and your eCommerce store further. Plus merchants can expect future updates to be rolled out to their stores for free or included in the price they’re already paying. This is great value when compared with Magento as every new and future functionality will need to be built in from a development team instead. Switching means you’ll be able to focus on your brand and leave a lot of the behind the scenes tech to Shopify.
Moving from Magento to Shopify Plus is one of the most common re-platforming routes in eCommerce. If you need guidance with the process, contact us & we can help you on your journey.